Don't you just love it when supermodels take it upon themselves to dole out advice to mere mortals? This week it is the turn of Giselle, 5'11 Brazillian supermodel who tells us that not only was she back modelling g-string bikinis 6 weeks after giving birth but also that she thinks a worldwide law should be passed forcing all new mothers to breastfeed for 6 months. ''Some people'' she tells us ''think they don't have to breastfeed and I think are you really going to give chemical food to your child?''. While I am very happy that the 9 stone model so enjoys breastfeeding, and that she meditated throughout her home birth and 'felt no pain', I am getting sick of celebrities daily claims about the right and wrong way to give birth, lose the baby weight and bring up children. I have often moaned and raged about what I see as a distinct lack of sisterhood in our society and this kind of comment goes straight to the heart of what I believe to be such a huge problem. Women are not a homogeneous group. Every single woman is different. Yes I know this sounds obvious to you and I but I really do think some people need reminding. No two pregnancies are the same, no two births are the same and no two mothers are the same. This is due to a mix of personality, biology, hormones, status, education, health and a wealth of other factors. While Giselle may be lucky enough to be able to breastfeed for 6 months, not all women have such a privilege. Some can not afford to take 6 months off work so need to move on to formula much quicker. Others decide with their partners that it would be nice for dad to be able to do his share of feeding and bonding with baby. More still, simply can not physically breastfeed whether this is from finding it rather painful, or having a baby who simply will not feed to suffering from postpartum depression or chronic mastitis or a plethora of other health issues. Motherhood is surely a deeply personal experience where every new mother must find her own way. Breastfeeding is not some kind of moral imperative but a personal choice. So thanks Giselle, but do shut up now... don't you have some more bikinis to model?
I'm so happy you have address this issue back to a size 8 after weeks of giving birth, the stay at home mum's and new mum's I see nearly everyday, one of the first things they talk about before telling me how wonderful their bundle of joy is about the weight they have lost and they breast feed all the time anytime and ONLY eat and buy organic food for babies. And manage daily exercise what hope do I have !!!!! The thought of breast-feeding makes me feel a little ill (sorry) and judging by my family us women hold on to those baby pounds for many months/years even.......
ReplyDeleteThanks Charli this is a subject that winds me up too .Its not only Giselle, I know quite a few women harping on about the same thing!