This is just an apology for not having blogged for a few weeks. What with revising for exams and getting my dissertation finished, I have had a fair amount going on.... though the last week I have had no excuse, other than the glorious weather.
Anyway, this is just to let you know that normal blogging will resume next week and in the meantime, here are a few links to keep you busy!
Education For Choice have started a blog and I urge you to become followers. Anyone that knows me will know who they are from when I worked for them - an incredible charity working with young people and professionals around unplanned pregnancy decision making and abortion. Their Talk About Choice workshops (which I used to deliver when working there) recently won an FPA award and it's about time too!
I have just finished reading Kat Banyard's fantastic book The Equality Illusion and highly recommend it to any like minded feminists out there. Lots of reasonably priced copies available on Amazon. Also, take a look at her website UK Feminista for great ideas about how to get active and contribute to, attend or set up your own feminist group.
An excellent article in today's G2 interviewing Gail Dines, the world's most prominent anti porn campaigner. Definitely worth a read (and her book Pornland: How Porn has Hijacked Our Sexuality is available online from today).
Until next week!
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